Trans-Matic is a world-wide leader in metal stamping.
Trans-Matic has locations all over the world and is one of the industry’s leading metal stamping companies. We have the capabilities for deep drawn metal stamping, progressive die stamping, prototyping and more. In addition, all of our parts and products are custom-manufactured to our customers’ unique specifications.
With multiple production facilities around the globe, we truly are the worldwide leader in precision metal stamping.

Holland, MI USA - Global Headquarters
238,000 square feet of operating space
Established in 1968, Holland, MI was our first production facility. Founded by the Thompson Family, Trans-Matic continues to be a family founded, professionally managed company today.
- 220 Employees
- Manufacturing – 65 Presses
- Tool development & building
- Prototyping
- Product launch
- Program management
- Sales & marketing
- Customer service

Monterrey, Mexico
55,000 square feet of operating space
Trans-Matic’s newest location was established in 2016. Our Monterrey, Mexico facility continues to grow as we gain further traction supporting the North and South American regions.
- 55 Employees
- Manufacturing – 25 Presses
- Internal Cleaning and Deburr
- Prototyping
- Product launch
- Program management
- Sales & marketing
- Customer service

Suzhou, China
160,000 square feet of operating space
Trans-Matic expanded into China in 2006. A wholly owned foreign entity (WOFE), this facility is home to 35 metal stamping presses and provides full support to the Asian market for:
- 180 Employees
- Manufacturing – 34 Presses
- Internal Cleaning
- Tool development & building
- Prototyping
- Product launch
- Program management
- Sales & marketing
- Customer service